
Tag alias: macedonian_flag -> sunburst_background

Posted under Tags

The tag alias #15788 macedonian_flag -> sunburst_background has been rejected.

Reason: As per the Prespa Agreement signed between Greece and the former Yugoslav republic (now renamed North Macedonia), effective yesterday (Feb. 12). Just found this out in Wikipedia.

EDIT: Better yet, we might have to think of a better tag name since the current tag describes a sunburst background rather than the actual flag. Any thoughts?

EDIT 2: Changed alias destination proposal to a more descriptive one, although I'm also thinking "rising sun" will somewhat overlap with this concept.

EDIT 3: Deleting the request to facilitate the mass edit, though some more discussion for a better tag needs to be done.

EDIT by DanbooruBot: The tag alias macedonian_flag -> sunburst_background (forum #154704) has been rejected by @nanami.


Seems like a majority of the posts in that tag aren't referenced from that flag at all. Could it be merged with zettai yurusanae (with -sunburst for the posts that are just making the pun)?

As mentioned already, perhaps simply sunburst_background could work instead, considering the tag already implicates the sunburst tag. So, before the tag is renamed, someone can go through and manually update whatever posts are in actually the North Macedonian flag and, after it is renamed, the wiki for Macedonian flag can be changed into a disambiguation wiki that not only refers users to the sunburst background and North Macedonian flag tags, but also the Greek Macedonian flag in the event that such a tag is made.

EDIT: Went through the tag and found only one instance of the tag in question referring to what is now the North Macedonian flag, and none for the Greek Macedonian flag. Now this tag can safely be renamed to something more appropriate, like sunburst background.

EDIT 2: Whilst I'm sure you couldn't have changed it to be anything from an alias, I do think aliasing macedonian_flag to sunburst_background, rather than just doing a mass update, wouldn't be a good idea - if mainly because folks will probably still refer to North Macedonia as Macedonia to keep things short. I suppose it doesn't help that "マケドニア国旗" (Macedonian flag) on Pixiv does bring up results that would fall under the proposed sunburst_background tag (though you can always explain that with a sentence in its Wiki page).

Still, mass updating macedonian_flag to sunburst_background (alongside giving the former's sunburst tag implication to the latter), and then turning the Wiki page for macedonian_flag into a disambiguation page like I previously proposed, would probably be the best way to go about things.


All the other *_flag tags can refer to actual flags, not just backgrounds. For anyone who isn't up to date on modern Balkan politics, using macedonian flag for the flag of The Country Formerly Known as Macedonia would seem like a perfectly reasonable thing to do. Under this alias there would be a very real chance of sunburst_background unknowingly getting added to images like post #1314351, so I can't support this. Maybe make it a mass update instead.

Yeah, make it a mass update. Like iridescent slime said, there are posts that contain the actual flag and we can't have those posts be incorrectly tagged like this.

If this is the case that everyone here thinks, then I'll be alright with a mass update as well, as long as the wiki is updated.

Updating the tag to sunburst_background would remove specificity, so it wouldn't work. There are other sunburst designs like the one on the Japanese naval ensign. So we ought make the update to something like north_macedonian_sunburst_background. Unfortunately it would not fit to call it macedonian_sunburst as there is a Macedonia in Greece with its own competing sun design.

Going to disagree with the idea of going with something so specific as a north_macedonian_sunburst_background tag. I think it's combining two things unnecessarily. The idea of a sunburst background should be a separate tag from the tag that identifies the color combination of the sunburst. It's also simply better to strip out the specific nation/state association and simply refer to the color combination under a tag like red-yellow_sunburst.

If I may point out, having the tag name be sunburst_background would especially work due to the fact that, under macedonian_flag, we actually have instances of the background in colors other than red and yellow, whether it be greyscale (post #755177 and post #864438 as two examples out of eight), or more purplish (post #1301660), and even strictly looking red-yellow, we have the use of shades making the yellow appear closer to a orange hue (post #406637), or an off-white (post #1179303), leading to a lessened resemblance to the North Macedonian flag.

And looking beyond just color, a couple posts also have either white or black lines between the sunburst (post #408165, post #2530915, post #864438, post #3431291), a feature distinctly missing from the North Macedonian flag, and a couple also don't have the character in question at the center of the sunburst, revealing the background to look more akin to the Rising Sun-style flag that the JDSF uses in varying forms for its ensigns (post #239858, post #474767, post #1043686, post #1032717, post #1450895; though not exclusively, post #557082).

So something as specific as north_macedonian_sunburst_background would be entirely absurd in that case, and having it be merely sunburst_background opens the tag up to be applied to posts such as post #3390803, post #3275999, post #3265874 and post #3168297. Now, whether or not we include the specific color combination as a new tag, now that's a curious question. In most instances, just using multicolored_background red_background yellow_background should probably be enough, but red-yellow_sunburst could be of use for images where the background isn't just exclusively the sunburst in question, as would generally be the case in comics, for instance, so the idea isn't without merit.


nanami said:

Deleting the request to facilitate the mass edit, though some more discussion for a better tag needs to be done.

As much as more discussion would be good, I feel as though the lack of it presents somewhat of a consensus - that is, macedonian_flag should be mass updated to sunburst_background (and inherit its sunburst implication, and update its wiki), and macedonian_flag's wiki should become a disambiguation wiki. The only thing that remains to be discussed is whether or not to introduce tags that indicate the kind of sunburst present in a post, ala red-yellow_sunburst.

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