
M87 Black Hole Chan

Posted under General

There has been several different personification of the recent M87 Black Hole image. Blackhole Sensei, Aunty Black, and other generic unnamed blackhole. Do we need to unify the name or keep them separate? Do we need to unify them as M87chan to allow other blackhole in the future or keep them as one with blackhole-chan?

The things we do for science.

If any of these designs become recurring characters that continue to get used once this drops out of the news, they might end up deserving character tags of their own. I don't see this turning into a repeat of the whole Bowsette phenomenon, though, so it's likely that we won't need any new tags at all. M87_black_hole personification is sufficient for now.

Black hole-sensei isn't M87. She's a separate black hole personification created by Danielle Brindle over a year ago, as part of the Earth-chan meme. Danielle Brindle's version of M87 is shown in post #3473786.

Aunty Black is dishwasher1910's version of M87. I created a tag for this character mainly because others were mistagging her as Black hole-sensei.

Since there's not a unified design and since not all posts referring to the black hole are personifications, so I think it makes more sense leave the tag as a gentag and add personification as necessary, as iridescent slime said.

kamikazemonk said:

Looks like blackhole-chan was created.

That was quick. Disappointing, but not too surprising.

If one particular depiction (currently the one with black dress, black sclera and black/orange hair) comes to dominate the rest, having a tag for it isn't necessarily bad, so I'm going to hold off on removing it. Using the same tag for alternate designs like post #3473664, post #3474247, and post #3474533 is kind of ridiculous, though.

Blackhole-chan is an umbrella tag for all personifications of the m87 black hole. I'm not a fan of this, but taggers seem pretty insistent on having a chartag for it, and blackhole-chan is the name that most artists and the rest of the internet are using, so fine.

The problem here is that a certain user is repeatedly adding powehi-chan to every single blackhole-chan post. This is just redundant in any case. I've nuked it three times now, but still they keep adding it back.

After googling Powehi-chan to see if any other sites are using it, the only things I find are a subreddit and a twitter account, both run by a single person who seems very insistent that this character should be called Powehi-chan. I suspect this person is behind these tag edits, trying to force us into using their pet name for this character too.

Rampardos said:

It's not a pet name, it's the official name of the recently photographed black hole: https://www.cnn.com/2019/04/12/world/black-hole-name-powehi-scli-intl. I really don't care for this kind of topical stuff and it should've been discussed on the forum first, but Powehi is a much less generic name than just "blackhole-chan" so it might be better suited for the tag.

"blackhole-chan" may be generic, but it's much more widely known/used than "powehi-chan". On Twitter, for example, the majority of the Tweets with personifications of this black hole have the #blackholechan hashtag - on the other hand, almost all of the Tweets with the #powehichan hashtag come from the Twitter account that evazion linked.

I never claimed it was more popular, just that it was more accurate, and not the invention of one guy.

Rampardos said:

I never claimed it was more popular, just that it was more accurate, and not the invention of one guy.

It's often the case that memes have odd or ambiguous names, but we just have to deal with it. If the rest of the internet converges on a certain name, then that's the name we should use too.

(I'm aware that the black hole itself has been named Powehi. What I'm saying is that Powehi-chan isn't the name that the internet is using for the meme.)

iridescent_slime said:

Unless I'm mistaken, most of the blackhole-chan images are modeled after Aunty Black, right? So why aren't we using that tag instead?

Of ~65 personifications, I'd say 6 posts are based on Aunty Black, ~20 posts are probably based on survival yaiba's design from post #3473464 (including some dupes; see favgroup:4341), and the rest are either original or at least not fully based on someone else's design (see blackhole-chan -aunty_black -favgroup:4341).

So I'd say that survival yaiba's version is the most popular design, but there's not a single clear winner like there was with Earth-chan. That said, I can live with blackhole-chan as an umbrella tag. It's a little redundant given that we already have m87 black hole, but whatever, it's something people want to search for (it was in the top searches for the past week or so).

EDIT: forgot to make favgroups public.


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