
Deletion appeal thread (restarted)

Posted under General

lillytank said:

post #3654342

I commissioned this piece of art so it's alright to have the full res version here.

If it didn’t get approved the first time, don’t just upload a low-res duplicate. I don’t think it being the full-res version of a commission was the reason why it went unapproved.

Unbreakable said: 4) Never appeal a post twice. Multiple mods saw it the first time you did. They also saw it when it was first uploaded. It got its fair shot.

I know that rule but I know the quality is more than good enough because I have near 600 approved posts.. That is why I thought approvers were simply inactive during that time.
Sorry for answering back, but it's really frustrating when you just answer like that.. When it's not even nsfw/bad quality work. It's not helping, at all.

post #3510452 Well drawn piece without any inherent flaws that I can see.

post #3656081 and children posts are all a well-animated set on the same level of quality as the rest of the artist's works. One's approved but not the rest.

post #3637156 single unapproved animation out of the entire set.

post #3547107 well animated.
