
Cutout tags

Posted under Tags

Currently there is no real way to search for or tag clothing cutouts in general, and the cutout tag actually refers to a medium/style of border. It's not particularly intuitive and would actually (at least in my opinion) be quite easy to fix with an umbrella tag and some renaming.

Here is a list of clothing cutout tags that have over 100 posts or a wiki:

I suggest creating the tag clothing_cutout - it would serve as an umbrella tag for all of these individual cutout tags, and the more popular ones would imply it. I also suggest renaming the cutout tag to cutout_(style) to reduce confusion and mistagging.

I don't have a problem with clothing_cutout as a less cumbersome alternative to a multi-tag search, considering how many tags there are under the *_cutout banner. But aren't some of these tags redundant to much older, better populated tags?

I get the impression that these four cutout tags were created by someone who was just unaware of the fact that we already had tags for such garments and was trying to make a standard template out of *_cutout. But the older tags already fit in just fine among all the backless/sleeveless/strapless tags, so I don't see a legitimate reason for replacing them.

If some of the existing x_cutout tags are just duplicates of other already established tags then sure, they ought to be merged into them first. In that case we should make a list of those redundant x_cutout tags first, so here's the full list of them: /tags?commit=Search&search%5Bhide_empty%5D=yes&search%5Bname_matches%5D=%2Acutout&search%5Border%5D=count

Obviously tags like revealing_cutout and paper_cutout should be exempt from all this, but please feel free to list any other redundant ones you can see.

None of the other cutout tags seem to be completely redundant to a specific existing tag, but I found a few in dire need of cleaning:

And a couple more that look like prime nuking material:

Again, none of this should stand in the way of your clothing_cutout proposal, but it's something to be considered before we start talking about implications.

I agree with you on these points. Perhaps it would be a good idea to make a BUR and leave those out until someone with time on their hands can get around to cleaning them?

finalwar said:

Should we rename cutout above navel and cutout below navel?

I wasn't aware these tags even existed, but I have doubts about the need for such a degree of granularity when it comes to cutout tags.

And why not use chest cutout ?

Because no matter how you define this tag, it would ultimately end up being used interchangeably with cleavage_cutout.

Then, what's the different between lace-up* and cross-laced* ?

I have no idea what is the point of splitting these tags up like this. The distinction between lace-up and cross-laced_clothes is trivial at best, and in most cases these two tags are used like synonyms. Also, the only well-populated lace-up* tag is lace-up_boots, and it's essentially a boots cross-laced_footwear search.

Because no matter how you define this tag, it would ultimately end up being used interchangeably with cleavage_cutout.

What about for male characters? Cleavage_cutout is tagged on some images such as post #3644234 (multiple Jojo characters seem to have outfits that fit the definition,) as well as male characters crossdressing or crossplaying as in post #3650836.

Having a separate tag for boys is not all that necessary of course, but it's perhaps equally unnecessary for the tag name to imply that cleavage or breasts are necessary on the character depicted (even if the wiki clarifies it's not.)

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