
Some meta implications

Posted under Tags

The bulk update request #2430 is active.

create implication flash_with_sound -> flash
create implication bad_hentai-foundry_id -> bad_id
create alias ehentai_sample -> e-hentai_sample
create implication e-hentai_sample -> image_sample

Reason: For bad_hentai-foundry_id, it has the same number of posts as bad pawoo id, and that's already implied to bad_id.

For e-hentai, that's the site's actual name.

EDIT: The bulk update request #2430 (forum #164788) has been approved by @evazion.

Updated by DanbooruBot

Flash doesn’t have to be animated. I don’t have a Flash-plugin installed, so I can’t check for counter-examples, though.

kittey said:

Flash doesn’t have to be animated. I don’t have a Flash-plugin installed, so I can’t check for counter-examples, though.

Well, gif doesn't have to be animated either, and yet it's aliased to animated gif. But I see what you mean, I'll remove that one.

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