
Unsheathing and related.

Posted under General

First of all, posts under unsheathing tag often can represent sheathing, i.e. quite the opposite, and there is no way to tell apart. Sometimes you even know this must be sheathing: post #113172, those who played game know sword can be seen in that state only after strike. I don't know current policy about such cases ("rightness" vs obviousness) but if adhere to correctness tag should be renamed to something like partially_sheathed.

Secondly, I started tagging battoujutsu_stance but now I think it was bad choice of name. Legitimately only characters known as battoujutsu practitioner should be tagged. This fact makes tag obscure and on second thoughts I would want even posts like, for example, post #225359 to be included.
Therefore I ask for best name for tagging characters who is about to draw their weapon. Concerning supposed variants, ready_to_draw seems obscure to me and ready_to_unsheathe is long and crude. Hand_on_hilt could be a good tag (and I'm going to start it sometime) but as can be seen (post #34401, post #428189 vs post #427244, post #373543) this is different thing.

Thirdly, sheath. I personally think tag should be used only when scabbard is represented apart of its contents and wiki should be edited accordingly. And for weapon being in its scabbard something like sheathed would be useful.

And last but not least, forgive me my English, I hope it was good enough.


Regarding the ambiguity of sheathed or unsheathed, the policy is basically pick one and always use it. We had similar issues with sunrise/sunset and dressing/undressing. I actually thought they'd been aliased, but apparently not.

So my suggestion would just be to tag everything unsheathing or sheathing and allow that the rare cases where you can make out the difference don't really matter.

Thank you for clarification, jxh2154.

And since nobody complained about sheath I take that as approval.

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