
Tag Implication: guitar -> instrument

Posted under General

if we are doing this we ought to go and implicate all the common instruments. Going in descending order we have

guitar 962
violin 245
base_guitar 223
piano 139
recorder 136
keyboard 134
flute 98
trumpet 91
drums 78
grand_piano 74
tambourine 39
cello 32
harp 32
saxophone 26
electric_wind_instrument 24
melodica 23
shamisen_(instrument) 21
maracas 21
ocarina 20
clarinet 16
double_bass 16
accordion 14
trombone 14
keytar 14
cymbals 12
taiko_drum 11
ukulele 10
lute_(instrument) 10
organ 9
harmonica 8
biwa_lute 8
bassoon 7
tuba 7
koto_(instrument) 6
synthesizer 6
castanets 6
triangle 6
timpani 4
xylophone 4
sitar 4
theremin 3
pipe_organ 3
banjo 3
french_horn 3
marimba 3
bongo_drums 2
conga_drums 2
mandolin 2
electric_piano 2
viola_(instrument) 2
balalaika_(instrument) 2
kokyuu 2
oboe 1
bass_flute 1
electric_organ 1
electric_double_bass 1
harpsichord 1
concertina 1
sousaphone 1

I don't know where the threshold for implications should be here, but at least the more common ones should be implicated. There's also a good chance I'm missing some, but that should be the bulk of the most important ones.

We've also got:
bow_(instrument) 19
drumsticks 12

Which are sort of ancillary, but may or may not be a good idea to implicate.


Holy crap there were a lot of alias/implication threads in the last 24 hours.

As for a threshold, I think 20 is usually a good number but I did these all because you went to the effort to look them up.

I changed triangle to triangle_(instrument) first, btw.

Edit: Oh, I didn't do bow_(instrument) or drumsticks yet. Waiting to see what others think. Though I imagine it won't hurt, and that the vast majority of the time they're depicted with an instrument anyway.

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