
Tag Alias: kotone_(pokemon) -> kotone

Posted under General

I'm pretty sure the reason this isn't done is because "kotone" could possibly be taken by something else. Although it would make more sense to use "kotone" for the Pokemon character and if something else called kotone crops up later, then that could be tagged with "kotone_(artist)" or "kotone_(manga)" or "kotone_(whatever)".

Not sure an implication would be the best idea, for a tag with just 86 images. Mass tag edit perhaps?

Keep the "_(pokemon)" qualifier. Nearly every Pokemon character have the qualifier behind their name (unless a surname is revealed), and it would be inconsistent if Kotone were the exception.

We try not to qualify tags unnecessarily, however when the qualifier is already in place, and has been used successfully for 80+ images, I'd rather keep it. It's also consistent with a large number of other Pokemon characters.

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