
Tag Alias: areola -> areolae

Posted under General

Not sure about this.

There's an awful lot of images where only one is visible. But I suppose it doesn't matter.

I don't have a strong opinion either way and agree it sounds odd. I'm voting for though for consistency's sake. Every other symmetric body part pair is plural, so this one should probably be as well.

What's awkward is a tag list of "nipples" and "areola", as if one nipples isn't accompanied. Yeah, the areola is most useful as a "pussy_peek" equivalent, and thus only one may be seen, but the "natural pair" tendency makes the tag list less mismatched.

Voting for on the grounds that these are a natural pair. I do agree that it feels slightly awkward, though that's mostly because of the spelling and I'm sure people will get used to it.

I really don't see what's awkward about this. However, if this doesn't go through, please alias it in the reverse direction. The main reason I started this thread was because I couldn't remember whether areola or areolae was the right tag.

It's probably awkward only because it's not a particularly common word, and even rarer in plural form. Moreover it follows an irregular pluralization scheme for English.

That's nothing against the word or the tag or whether or not we use it, but just a fact about rare words.

For a similar situation, consider the past participle form of "stride": "stridden". That's a word you almost never see, and hence it sounds really weird.

Ah... threads where I have absolutely no preference either way are always fun. What to do? I actually think I prefer areolas.

Meh, I'd just go with areola, since it seems well-established, and is the least weird to say.

I think aliasing areolae (and even possibly areloas) might be a decent idea, too. But that's just what I think.

Edit: Changed my mind. See below.


Bah. The proper plural is areolae. If we have to have plurals here, areolae is what it should be.

葉月 said: Bah. The proper plural is areolae. If we have to have plurals here, areolae is what it should be.

"Proper" in what sense? I looked at about a dozen dictionary definitions and both are listed as perfectly acceptable spellings.

Necro-bumping here... but I think we should resolve this already.

I can understand the sentiment of being ambivalent about this, but I think we should use areloae as the main tag, as it would be consistent with the "plural names for natural sets" scheme. And though it may be a tad awkward to say, doing the right thing should trump convenience.

I would also vote for areloae over areolas simply because it sounds less retarded (for the same reason we use "feet" instead of "foots").


Or, changing my mind again, maybe we should use areola after all. I think "areola" is one of those words that can be used in both a plural and singular context (like the word "fish").

Also take into account special cases such as "panties". All the panty tags should technically be *_panty - but it sounds retarded, so we use *_panties.

Another special case are pants. We refer to them with the word "pants", and also use the term "pant-legs" in conjunction with them. It may not seem "correct", but it works, and nobody gives a crap because the English language isn't goverened by a completely static set of rules.

So let's just bite the bullet and alias:

People are going to disagree no matter which tag is used, so let's use the one that sounds the least retarded.


I think it should be pointed out that nipples doesn't have much weight on the matter of the areola tag as we're emphasizing. The nipples tag is being used for any exposure of the nipples, which due to how breasts are frequently depicted and tagged with the nipples tag will result in a large imbalance between images of a single nipple and images of both.

Areola's use on the other hand has some restrictions on it, which is that either the areola stands out or the nipple isn't shown. Going with how the tag is being used, the "stands out" part should be completely trashed. There are other tags like large_areola and puffy_nipples that'll cover the "stands out" definition and just looking at the how it's being used this way is just making the tag redundant with nipples anyway (as people are tagging any image with exposed nipples as both areola and nipples). This leaves us only with the restriction that the nipple then shouldn't be shown. If we follow this definition, then that would mean that in the image there will have to be something like clothing or hair that is covering the breasts/nipples. Those types of images may be less likely to be revealing both areolae at once than the images that would be regularly tagged nipples having both nipples shown. Since there is likely less of a discrepancy between single areola and both areolae being depicted, it reduces the weight that plurality has in this instance using the nipples comparison argument. There might even be more images of a single areola exposed than both, not that I have faith in that nor do I want to delve through all the images just to find out.

Though if you want consistency with like named tags, you'd have to go with areolae, as the use of the large_areola tag should more currently be tagged large_areolae/large_areolas.

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