
senjou_no_valkyria and senjou_no_valkyria_2

Posted under General

Currently the images tagged senjou_no_valkyria_2 are also being tagged senjou_no_valkyria. Should we make a senjou_no_valkyria_1 tag to use for the first game and make senjou_no_valkyria a franchise tag in line with other series?

I bring this up since there is a difference in cast between the two games, and Senjou no Valkyria 2's release next month will likely increase the amount of fan art for the game.

If we agree on making senjou_no_valkyria a franchise tag, then we should also do the following implications:
Senjou_no_Valkyria_1 -> Senjou_no_Valkyria
Senjou_no_Valkyria_2 -> Senjou_no_Valkyria

Updated by jxh2154

I understand with characters but why not use the localised name of the game itself? aside from that i am all for the seperation of the games preferably before the new stuff floods the listings here. the franchise tag thing sounds good too.


Did the implications, and yes the base can be the umbrella tag since that's a common practice with series.

shadowninja said: but why not use the localised name of the game itself?

Because we don't do that here.

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