
Tag Alias: ass -> buttocks (deleted)

Posted under General

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T5J8F8 said:
Like vulva and vagina, that tag is too specific to encompass all of what makes an "ass".

I'm aware of that. My point was that "buttocks" is a common word, not some obscure medical jargon.

It's not obscure medical jargon, but I doubt you'd hear it in an informal context. I wouldn't think twice if I heard "buttocks" in a doctor's office, on the news, or in a courtroom.

Between two people in a casual conversation though, it would sound strange. 'Butt', is common, 'ass' is common, and neither one is censored on broadcast prime-time TV, so they can't be all that offensive.

The very reason they chose to use the word "buttocks" in Forrest Gump was to make the character sound awkward.


roastbeefy said:

I suppose we'd also have to change the name of the "Dat Ass" pool to "Dem Buttocks", (...).

I was going to propose something like "Doz Buttocks", but you beat me to it, 'Beefy. *laughing*

Also, I have a hunch that buttocks could be more widely used in the U.K. than it is in the U.S. Perhaps that is causing some bias is the discussion?

alicemaiwaifu said:
Given the content on this site, I don't really think that the userbase will be too bothered reading 'improper' tags.

Look, there's that excuse again. If this were a porn site, yeah sure, but it isn't. And for what it's worth, I think "ass" sounds a lot sillier than "butt". That might just be me, though.

Oh, and for those of you defending with "dat ass", you really aren't doing your argument a favour. Those dumb memes need to go.

I don't see either one as particularly "silly". Buttocks kinda does, on the other hand. I think I'd prefer butt in the end.

An Australian perspective:

Ass - fine (perhaps because it's foreign and quaint)
Arse - too coarse (perhaps because that's how we spell it here)
Butt - silly and prudish, like hiney or tush but much less so
Rump - silly, but in a good way
Buttocks - clumsy

I like the status quo, but don't really care what happens.

I am in favor of keeping ass. I don't see how ass is vulgar. There are far more vulgar things on this site than the tag ass.

Saiki_Thorn said:
There are far more vulgar things on this site than the tag ass.

Why are people so fond of this excuse?

Soljashy said:
Why are people so fond of this excuse?

A better question is "Why is this still being discussed?"

It's being discussed because obviously people are still divided on the subject. Granted, the majority seems to favour maintaining the status quo.

Does it matter? Even if it happened to be the most vulgar term, it doesn't mean that it's particularly vulgar.

It seems the majority opinion is that it's not offensive enough to merit changing. It's far from a consensus, but the best argument in favor of changing it seems to be "it is vulgar", or "it isn't proper".

In my mind it makes more sense to use natural sounding terms than ones that are absolutely sanitized.