
Picture down voting abuse

Posted under General

This has been happening for a while, there's someone out there who doesn't like explicit content and instead of black listing the tag or using safebooru he's gone around down voting indiscriminately. Its annoying, dishonest and a knee jerk reaction. Can't a staff member do something.

Example all my uploads.

Updated by KeliraTelian

It wasn't me in this case, though things like post #637252 often prompt a negative from me. Hugely out-of-proportion character designs look awful to me, and are technically against the ToS. The overall mechanics and finish of the image are good though at least.

As far as what we can do, unless I'm mistaken, I think Albert is the only one with access to the tables that would say who votes what up or down.

While I'm not condoning the frivelous use of up/down-voting, how do you know whoever's down-voting your posts dislikes explicit content? Maybe he just didn't like the ones you uploaded in particular.

Though, if he really doesn't like a specific type of content, as you said, it should be blacklisted. And IMO, voting should only be done by people who are interested in a particular type of content, with the exception of down-voting posts that are either horifically bad or off-topic.

Shinjidude said: As far as what we can do, unless I'm mistaken, I think Albert is the only one with access to the tables that would say who votes what up or down.

And yes, that is true. As far as I know, specific votes by people are not publicly exposed in any way on the site.


Yeah, I noticed that most if not all my explicit uploaded images get a vote down almost instantly after I post them.

Do picture votes actually do anything, aside from searches based on scores? I'm not surprised that explicit pictures are unpopular with some people, or just judged more critically (and, conversely, you can't deny that there are some people who like anything explicit and remotely competent), but it seems counterproductive to the whole idea of having scores to just go around downvoting everything in such a broad category. I mean, beyond it being a bad thing to do, I don't see what they're trying to accomplish.

What is it actually doing?


A post with a -3 or lower won't be approved 97% of the time but other than that nothing but e-penis is affected for the most part.

Okay now we've discovered its not only me or my imagination, anything we or the staff can do about it?

Besides using it to measure my e-penis I also use it in searching with order:score. If I could I'd use order:favcount instead but that is inaccurate. I'd rather not miss good pics, explicit or not, because somebody's delicate senses were offended when something explicit was uploaded. And with danbooru having thousands of pics that search tag is important in ordering pics based on quality, having one guy poison the tag is selfish on his part.

I've noticed this going on too. I've also noticed for some of my pics that are like -3, a few days after the score gets that low, it shoots up to pos 1 or 2.But someone actually flagged post #647983 because of a "wrong character". I mean come on man.

Action_Kamen said:
Okay now we've discovered its not only me or my imagination, anything we or the staff can do about it?

Not really. How do you monitor someone's brain?

I don't really understand what goes through people's minds to not only subtract score from many rating:e posts, but also to basically do so as soon as they get uploaded. And this has been going on for many months, maybe a year or two. I'm not sure what point they're trying to prove.

It's still possible they honestly think those uploads are bad. The best solution would be for someone that does like it to vote it up again, and if you can't find someone like that, then, well... maybe the picture never was that great to start with.

Mysterio006 said:
but also to basically do so as soon as they get uploaded.

Dunno about you, but it doesn't take more than a few seconds to decide I really don't like a picture, if I really don't like the picture. And recently uploaded stuff is in more prominence, too, since it's on the default Posts page. Makes sense.

Like I alluded above, I doubt this is a true systematic problem. If someone actually *is* downvoting every explicit image, that's inappropriate, but I haven't noticed this.

Also, even for those complaining of it, there isn't really a noticeable pattern of negatively rated posts that don't likely deserve it.

Like chainedwind says, most images can be judged in a few seconds, unless they are very borderline (and as such don't merit a vote in either direction). The moderation staff sees all member-level submissions shortly after they are uploaded and tend to be more critical of quality than the general populace. (This may be why scores quickly fall and then slowly rise)

If you see a significant set of your images down-voted shortly after upload, it's probably one of us going through the queue. If something is truly bad in someone's eyes I don't see any reason they shouldn't vote it down (just like if they really like something, they should vote it up).

It's kind of hard to measure this sort of thing, since scores are constantly changing, and the voters are anonymous, but if you see specific cases were you think something is very good, but highly voted down, I guess you could bring it up here and people could make an overt call on whether it was justified or not. Doing so might be redundant with the deletion appeal thread though.

My guess is that in almost all cases it is nothing personal against the uploader, and simply people voicing their opinion on what they perceive as bad art.


Shinjidude said:
Like I alluded above, I doubt this is a true systematic problem. If someone actually *is* downvoting every explicit image, that's inappropriate, but I haven't noticed this.

Also, even for those complaining of it, there isn't really a noticeable pattern of negatively rated posts that don't likely deserve it.

Like chainedwind says, most images can be judged in a few seconds, unless they are are very borderline (and as such don't merit a vote in either direction). The moderation staff sees all member-level submissions shortly after they are uploaded and tend to be more critical of quality than the general populace. (This may be why scores quickly fall and then slowly rise)

If you see a significant set of your images down-voted shortly after upload, it's probably one of us going through the queue. If something is truly bad in someone's eyes I don't see any reason they shouldn't vote it down (just like if they really like something, they should vote it up).

It's kind of hard to measure this sort of thing, since scores are constantly changing, and the voters are anonymous, but if you see specific cases were you think something is very good, but highly voted down, I guess you could bring it up here and people could make an overt call on whether it was justified or not. Doing so might be redundant with the deletion appeal thread though.

My guess is that in almost all cases it is nothing personal against the uploader, and simply people voicing their opinion on what they perceive as bad art.

Its very obvious that its systematic with mass uploaders like me. I go days or weeks without any significant uploads but then I find an artist I like and fill up his page so its very noticeable when all his safe rated pics get no attention then suddenly all his explicit posts are downvoted. You can't tell me that an artist's work suddenly gets bad when its explicit. I should have taken screen caps before making this thread.

Granola said:
Not really. How do you monitor someone's brain?

With fairy dust and wishful thinking :P

But yeah you're right.

chainedwind said:
Dunno about you, but it doesn't take more than a few seconds to decide I really don't like a picture, if I really don't like the picture. And recently uploaded stuff is in more prominence, too, since it's on the default Posts page. Makes sense.

Sometimes I upload a pic, then I tag it, then I refresh to see if I missed any tags and BAM -1 out of nowhere. The dude is fast.

Sometimes I upload a batch, tag all the pictures, look at my profile (I have the grease monkey script that shows scores at the bottom and highlights negative pics in red so they're obvious) and BAM several pics in a row highlighted red. The BAM is for emphasize on how quickly it happens.

Then I'm torn, should I upvote it myself? I mean I uploaded so I thought it was good and I have the right to upvote and picture I find awesome or would that be unfair? Should I take the opinion of one guy who voted in down when there are 20 or so favorites attached to the pic?

Any how I take it seriously because I use it to measure whether or not an artist is worth following as well as a general guide line to quality pics I should be uploading unto the site, also I already mentioned this but I use it for searching purposes. If it is a staff member like some of the mods pointed out then its not that serious (and if the staff member is reading the thread maybe he/she can Dmail me to tell me what he/she doesn't like about my uploads so I can keep that into consideration while uploading things on the site)

Action_Kamen said:
Its very obvious that its systematic with mass uploaders like me. I go days or weeks without any significant uploads but then I find an artist I like and fill up his page so its very noticeable when all his safe rated pics get no attention then suddenly all his explicit posts are downvoted. You can't tell me that an artist's work suddenly gets bad when its explicit.

Why not exactly? I don't like porn, so for me explicit is very likely automatically bad. And I know I'm not the only one.

Because the more explicit material, the more subjective we are.
Let's face the truth: we have much higher tolerance, with tendency to gloryfing stuff that turns us on. On the other hand those who don't share our fetishes will have tendency to find such pics medicore, ugly not to mention sometimes disgusting. And they will nitpick every single detail in them. And it's these guys who are often right, not you.

葉月 said:
Why not exactly? I don't like porn, so for me explicit is very likely automatically bad. And I know I'm not the only one.

That, you are not.

I've had to accumulate 173 different rules in my tag blacklist just to combat having to see all of the porn or distasteful stuff people seem to upload here.