
Angel Beats Episode 7 spoiler that will probably be suggested as an alias

Posted under General

An alias wouldn't have worked out anyway, since 12 other tags have Otonashi as a last name.

But because of those 12 other tags, something ought to be done. Plot-irrelevant spoiler or not, Otonashi Yuzuru does look a lot better than Otonashi (Angel Beats!)... But then, the same could be said about Tenshi (forum #41467), and that was a no, too.

Add the AB qualifier?

I vote for sticking for the existing tag.

And I can basically guarantee that thats what we'll end up going with in the end, despite whatever is said here. So why waste our time?

Shinjidude said:
I don't follow the series, but unless the full name is a plot ruining spoiler, I vote we use it.

I was going to post exactly this.

I vote for sticking to the current tag. Even if it doesn't ruin the plot, the fact that it isn't revealed until about 50% through the series makes it spoiler enough.

I actually don't see the big deal with this one as a spoiler, but it's probably better to stay consistent with all the other *_(angel_beats!) character tags. Aliasing those two names to their respective qualified tags wouldn't be a bad idea either, at least until the show is finished airing and the issue can be looked over more objectively.

Is it really that uncommon for a character's full name to not be revealed until later? Tenshi you could sort of build a case for (even though the first words out of her mouth are "I'm not an angel"), but girl_who_sits_next_to_yui_(k-on!) --> tachibana_himeko has as much plot relevance as this one.

It's a spoiler regardless. Even if it doesn't impact on the plot, it ruins any impact that it has when he reveals it in episode 7.

Yeah yeah I'm behind on the forums (blah too many threads), and it's already settled but just to stick in the "official word", for what it's worth: of course we will absolutely not use his full name. As fence implied, that's a total no-brainer by this point.

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