
Which tag to use space_hair or anti-gravity?

Posted under General

space_hair or anti-gravity

Someone made an anti-gravity tag for things that float in a space that isn't necessarily outer space, then someone else used it for a Miku Append upload... it seemed to fit the image, so I tagged others as such.

So which tag would be of better use?

Updated by jxh2154

Yeah, zero grav would mean that it isn't being affected by gravity and is floating in place, and anti grav would probably mean it's defying gravity by flying away without means of propulsion.

Right, and zero is what you're actually going to see in these images I'd imagine. There's generally not going to be a physical way to know if someone's hair is capable of negating and even reversing the effects of gravity. Just that it's floating. Anti-gravity seems to imply some technological assistance to me, while zero-gravity is an environmental condition.

lol what if it is a combination of a floating body with floating hair? Are the tags zero_gravity and floating_hair used?

I like the tag so far actually.
Things seem to be narrowing down.


I would say they should be. Just because a body is floating doesn't mean the floating hair becomes untaggable.

I'd say it would come down to whether the hair was floating significantly more than the body. To pick some random examples from the tags mentioned earlier:

It's not always clear-cut - post #676923 is floating, but opinions might differ on whether or not the hair is affected enough to get floating_hair too. Still, nothing's perfect.

Also, I don't know how we should approach dealing with the various gravity tags - though since we currently seem to have gravity, anti-gravity, zero_gravity, zero-g and zero_g, all separate and none with wiki pages, we should really do something. My feeling is that they're more about the environment, whereas floating is something the subject of a picture is doing - but that's just personal impression, and still doesn't address what to do with all the above-mentioned gravity tags.

Do noooooot use "Anti-gravity"

I refuse to allow that. If nothing else, that tag, in that context, needs to be eliminated. It makes me twitch just thinking about it.

That was nicely detailed kounishin.
Still not sure why anti-gravity is disliked, but if it is voted over that is fine.

Zero-G reminds me of the music company, so I guess zero_gravity would work better.

kounishin said: Since we already have floating for things in general behaving like this, we could just use floating_hair.

I think this wins. Go for it.

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