
Pointless Pools

Posted under General

pool #15 "Persona 3 - 4koma"

An old private pool that only holds the images from pool #2033 "Persona - Tartarus Theater", along with one other image that isn't a 4koma at all. If we delete it, the description for the Tartarus Theater pool should probably be edited to remove the mentioning of the other pool.

pool #2170 - "Ara, ara?: This pool is for all the airheads out there in anime land." Doesn't seem like a concept that's very well suited to a pool; you can't tell they're airheads from the pictures currently in there.

On the other hand, since it's a whole untaggable concept, maybe a pool is the right thing for it? Forgive me if we previously decided against such pools, I don't follow this thread much.

Well, I think pools for untaggable concepts are fine as long as it's some visual element. Like I said, if they aren't doing anything airheaded in the images it seems pointless.

If you just include every picture of every airhead then this pool would become staggeringly huge.

pool #1826 - "Female Villains" doesn't have a visual theme other than women that are canonically villains (which, by the way, is fertile ground for spoilers).

pool #2170 - "Ara, ara?" doesn't have a theme either, just characters that are canonically airheaded.

Both of these pools, plus pool #1851 - "Hey look! Minorities!," look like nothing more than Iceburger's glorified favorites pools, each centered around a theme.


Hillside_Moose said:
pool #1826 - "Female Villains" doesn't have a visual theme other than women that are canonically villains (which, by the way, is fertile ground for spoilers).

pool #2170 - "Ara, ara?" doesn't have a theme either, just characters that are canonically airheaded.

Both of these pools, plus pool #1851 - "Hey look! Minorities!," look like nothing more than Iceburger's glorified favorites pools, each centered around a theme.

Personally, I think pool #1851 MAY have some merit as some sort of collection of characters who belong to a minority, but I also think that may be more suited as a tag.

However I agree with the other two pools not being really justifiable as their own pools. By those criteria, every single picture of say Kasuga Ayumu/Osaka would get put in the airhead pool regardless of content. That's 400+ posts alone just because of one character.

pool #2080 "That was a mouthful..."

Pool for posts that have many comments.

I suppose some might find this useful, but since that other comments pool was deemed to be pointless, then this probably qualifies too.

The minorities one came up previously and was judged borderline but okay to keep. I just think the name is silly.

Got rid of the rest.

Hillside_Moose said:
pool #1826 - "Female Villains" doesn't have a visual theme other than women that are canonically villains (which, by the way, is fertile ground for spoilers).

pool #2170 - "Ara, ara?" doesn't have a theme either, just characters that are canonically airheaded.

Both of these pools, plus pool #1851 - "Hey look! Minorities!," look like nothing more than Iceburger's glorified favorites pools, each centered around a theme.

Glorified favorites, no. The pools I made were simply to show different themes in anime and manga that were being overlooked or ignored. I can understand why some would be up for deletion based on what criteria should be allowed (i.e. spoilers, pool size, etc.), but don't insult my intentions please. Thank you.

jxh2154 said:
The minorities one came up previously and was judged borderline but okay to keep. I just think the name is silly.

Got rid of the rest.

Did you miss pool #15 or did you decide to keep it for some reason?

Don't see much of a point in pool #2192. Not to mention it needlessly takes up even more vertical real-estate from every post that's included in it.

Though, that's not to say it should be deleted because of the vertical space the posts' pool list takes up (no reason to do that, since it's a flaw in the site's design), but because it's just a little bit too... meta, and doesn't really seem to be a concept worth capturing.


Cyberia-Mix said: Is there a reason why pool #109 hasn't been made public?

The owner/dictator of the pool has been doing a good job of maintaining it, and has (imo) some pretty good taste too. So, I don't think there's much of a reason to make it public -- I'd rather entrust the pool exclusively to him/her than have it get blunted like pool #903 did.

But I see where you're coming from, as Danbooru's supposed to be a public site. Guess we'll just have to wait and see what happens with the "private pools" concept Albert's been (hopefully) considering for the Danbooru 2 rewrite.
