
Tag Alias: resizing_artifacts -> resampling_artifacts

Posted under General

There's also an upscale tag. Since you can only recognize an upscale from the resampling artifacts, it should probably be an implication if not an outright alias.

It might be better to just change the tag to "resized". I don't think we want even well-done resized images, and nobody is using danbooru as a way to research different kinds of artifacts.

Hmm, the tag is still pretty poor quality. post #409472 has no artifacts I see (just… someone's mouse cursor) and post #109425 is regular JPEG compression, plus maybe scanning bleed-through.

resizing_ makes sense to me then, and is artifacts fine? Or is there a more general word?

Otherwise I'll alias to resizing_artifacts

piespy said: Possibly just resized might work as well.

Hm, maybe, and specified to resized_image but a resizing won't always create artifacts. Well, not necessarily noticeable ones.

Aliasing to resizing_artifacts for now.

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