
Tag Implication: rune_factory_2/3 -> rune_factory

Posted under General

rune_factory_frontier also needs to imply rune_factory.

I went and tagged the needed images with Rune_factory_1. There are a few scarce recurrent characters, but the cast as a whole changes with each game. Frontier is the game with by far the biggest returning cast, but even then it's only 7 or so people.

Also, it could be argued whether rune_factory should imply harvest_moon. RF is a spinoff franchise of HM, kinda how Persona games are Megami Tensei spinoffs, although I don't think THOSE have an implication, so I'm not sure this would be valid.


Thanks for adding the rune_factory_1 tag. Since I haven't played Frontier, I didn't know what characters are exclusive or not from that version.
Also I think we should leave the harvest_moon part alone to avoid confusion later.

I recall jxh saying something about alias requests submitted via the form notifying him of them, but thread bumps not doing so.

sgcdonmai said:
I recall jxh saying something about alias requests submitted via the form notifying him of them, but thread bumps not doing so.

Where did you hear that from? All I can find regarding alias/implication forms is that they streamline the process by giving jxh2154 a "Create" button, rather than typing the tags manually.

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