
Artist removal: Homura Subaru

Posted under General

Not certain where to post it, but I have received a dmail from an user named Bernana, I quote:

Bernana said:
About Homura's artwork. He has deleted all him accounts on pixiv, Stickam JP, blogs and so on. And he would like to delete too the works that were distrubuted over other webs.

Thanks in advance.

Updated by Hillside Moose

So he's saying that Homura has deleted his pixiv, blog and stickam and wants his stuff deleted from here also?

Except, a quick check shows those are all still up. I even went and checked *homura* and I don't see any of them with deleted pixivs.

I'm gonna have to call bullshit on this.

I could back up on Ars's comment. Contrary to what Bernana said, their still up. Unless the artist himself contacts an admin, the request is dubious at best.

Which is why I posted this, because I am seeing none of what this mail stated. So unless someone read japanese and can read on his blog, there is not way to confirm it.

Last blog entry was from October 23 and doesn't mention anything. His Twitter account hasn't mentioned anything about this either, from what I can tell from his tweets.

nanami said:
Last blog entry was from October 23 and doesn't mention anything. His Twitter account hasn't mentioned anything about this either, from what I can tell from his tweets.

And this seems to be true of every *homura* we have a tag for too.

You should probably reply and see if he can clarify what pictures he actually means, since "homura" could just be a miscommunication. (unless that was clarified somewhere outside of the message pasted in the original post)

Let's just leave it open, in case something new happens (although making a second topic if this one has sunk quite deeply wouldn't bother me either). But yeah, seems like we don't need to delete anything just yet.

Herrmobel said:

Which is why I posted this, because I am seeing none of what this mail stated. So unless someone read japanese and can read on his blog, there is not way to confirm it.

Then why did you flag post #490609 and post #406341 with that "Homura has deleted all him accounts" reason?

jjj14 said:
Then why did you flag post #490609 and post #406341 with that "Homura has deleted all him accounts" reason?

Because this did not hit me until I hit the unapprove and was done with it. Embarassment for me is an understatement after that moment. Sorry about it.

I got this email as well.

Obviously, we need some sort of evidence before removing an artist. Anyone can just claim that an artist wants stuff removed without proving anything.

This request is just too ambiguous right now.

0xC0FFEE said:
That one hasn't deleted his pixiv account, though.

But she has removed all her images; there were about a dozen pictures on there earlier today and now there's none.


Hoh, I'm sure she just did it within 1 hour, because I open her pixiv around 1 hour ago and now refresh it just to see everything gone.

Anyway, just wait until the artist contact us directly.

SHE still has is Twitter account. Maybe someone should ask HER about it.


Just gonna remove this post because people are ignoring the far more important post afterwards.


Okay she saying that she didn't made any deletion request towards Danbooru.

Edit: She also mentioned that she doesn't mind Danbooru posting her artwork...I think.


Neither her Pixiv or her Stickam are in English, so it's not entirely clear to me how you expect anyone who can't read Japanese to know her gender. Some people might also have been confused by the fact that the original message by the guy supposedly acting as her messenger used 'he', too.

Cool self-righteousness, though.

We expect people to sign up for pixiv which is entirely in japanese, know how to navigate the site, read tags for character and series information but not know the difference between 女性 and 男性?

Thanks for the productive post, though.

It actually counts as further proof that it was not only not the artist but also not anyone who was in active contact with the artist who sent out the message.


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