
Upload Feedback Thread - post here if your uploads keep getting deleted

Posted under General

HNTI said:
They aren't approved ? Just like post #791545 and post #787815 (this one is so-so agreed)

Don't assume it isn't desired just because some (for whatever reason) weren't approved. All subjects have their share of deleted posts.

Ok, I know it, but still arts in high resolution (3k x 3x pix) and with no bigger flaws should be rather approved (I appealed them in a proper thread already), right ?

Blonde's head in the former bugs the hell out of me, latter's overall meh.

I'd always wondered why post #682550 and related images (they're all stacked on pixiv) didn't get approved. One of the pictures was already up, but the rest weren't, and personally I thought the series was fairly amusing so I upped the rest. What was the issue, exactly?

post #755071
post #755070

Was curious why these two images weren't approved. I realize a couple of my earlier uploads weren't the best quality and I understand that now so I've exercised a bit more discretion in what I choose to upload to make sure it is something that will hopefully meet standards better but I think these two are within acceptable standards. I realize Futanari is not for everyone as well, I was just hoping for a solid reason for it. Correct me if I'm wrong though. Thanks for your time.

post #796189

I just wanted to ask why this one never got approved, but the other flash I uploaded (which was also a yoekosukii-made flash) was. Has it something to do with the song used? I understand that Yoeko Kurahashi's singing style is NOT for everyone, but still.

Maybe ่‘‰ๆœˆ didn't see it / didn't like it? He's the one who has been approving these. Personally I didn't approve it because I didn't care for the art and I hate J-pop.

I don't think NicoNico reposts really belong here in the first place. If I wanted to watch NicoNico then I'd go there, not here.

The last one is a lower res but properly color balanced dupe, this has historically been enough to warrant reposting.