
Artist tagging help

Posted under General

Nick : カラ
Pixiv : http://www.pixiv.net/member.php?id=1324464

Nick : 舞 (this means dancing, I guess, but I have problems with forcing tags to create an artit writing artist:dance as it gives me blue tag : dancing -_-)
Pixiv : http://www.pixiv.net/member.php?id=1901241

Nick : MAKI (the problem with this one is that I can't find any twitter name, website or other feature distinguishing it from maki who is already in the database)
Pixiv : http://www.pixiv.net/member.php?id=2089877

Fayli said:

蒼原 read as アオハラ, but aohara is aspecific so use aohara_tito. Taken from artist's email address.

HNTI said: カラ


中在家長次 (Nakazaike Chouji) is a character in Rakudai Ninja Rantarou which I guess she is a fan of, not her real name.

Nick : 舞 (this means dancing, I guess, but I have problems with forcing tags to create an artit writing artist:dance as it gives me blue tag : dancing -_-)
Pixiv : http://www.pixiv.net/member.php?id=1901241

There's no safe best in 舞 reading. I'd go with sevencolormoon because you can google her blog with this name.

For future reference, never translate Japanese name/nickname into English yourself unless the artist actually use that English name. Only romanize them with Hepburn romanization.

Nick : MAKI (the problem with this one is that I can't find any twitter name, website or other feature distinguishing it from maki who is already in the database)
Pixiv : http://www.pixiv.net/member.php?id=2089877


makidai2024 is his pixiv username, which can be seen in his image URL (right click any of his pics on pixiv, choose View Image, you'll see what I'm talking about).
