
Wiki definition: chest

Posted under General

i've recently encountered the term chest. there is no wiki definition yet. i browsed the posts and it deals mainly of exposed male upper torso. males that look like girls (trap) with exposed chest fall also under this definition.

however, i see post #901601 which is clearly a girl. post #303859 and post #922079 which i believe are for "treasure chests" and post #300102 for "jewelry box". since there are about 100+ entries only, i think i can clean this up. but i seek your guidance. thanks.

Updated by Log

Chest for females seems unnecessary, as any image warranting it will end up with some form of breasts tag.

Keep it to male chests for now, although it's still a bit vague when it should be applied or not.

treasure_chest ought to be aliased to chest_(container) as the wiki definition itself does not require the presence of treasure. There is already a treasure tag, so treasure chest_(container) will work for searching for the presence of treasure in the box.

ghostrigger said:
post #300102 for "jewelry box"

...which is fashioned in the shape of a chest, so the tagging is/was appropriate, just needs moved to chest_(container)

Also, slightly tangential: alias mimic_chest <-> mimic

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