
Super Sonico

Posted under General

I see the tag super_soniko floating around in a bunch of the soniko images. I'm just curious as to what the Super Soniko tag is for. Neither Soniko or Super Soniko have a wiki, and the 'Super' version seems useless to me without some explanation (except for maybe images like post #970136, where it's outright said, but not all of the images under that tag hold that distinction).

Updated by jxh2154

In this case I imagine we'd want to go with Sonic/Soniko, right? I'm assuming the whole sonic/supersonic concept is entirely intentional and intended to be an English spelling.

I don't think there was an intention for a sonic/supersonic thing, and danbooru usually uses complete names when we can right? In which case it would be Super Sonico/Soniko.

Also sonico seems the be the official romanisation in all media and, while I know soniko fits better with the current romanizations guidelines on danbooru, sonico fits better with the romanization we already use for ニコ(nico), which is her other nickname.

cleartailcat said:
I don't think there was an intention for a sonic/supersonic thing, and danbooru usually uses complete names when we can right? In which case it would be Super Sonico/Soniko.

I wasn't suggesting we cut super_sonic to sonic, I was debating the use of 'co' vs 'ko'.

Given the clear reference to a non-Japanese word, I would go with the official "co" over "ko" too.

Just realized in my inital post I said "we'd want to go with Sonic/Soniko, right?" when I meant Sonic/Sonico, oops.

Aliases done to co.

...You know, I went through this entire discussion thinking we were talking about female versions of video game hedgehogs.

I just stumbled upon the character you were all actually talking about just now, and it clicked. Oops.

Doesn't change anything, just... amusing how it works out.

Borderline necromancy here but, given the original post and subsequent discussion, shouldn't all variants be aliased to super_sonico instead?
Seeing as sonico & super sonico seem to be the same and all.

cleartailcat said:
danbooru usually uses complete names when we can right? In which case it would be Super Sonico/Soniko.


I'd be interested in knowing this too given that only about half of our Sonico images have the "super sonico" tag.

I figured they were two different forms of the same character or something. If this is not the case, I'll alias all to super_sonico.

Super Sonico started out as the mascot character for nitro+'s "Nitro Super Sonic" live event, hence the "Super" part. "Sonico" is just commonly used as her first name.
So yes, please alias them all to super_sonico as that is her full name.

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