
Tag de-alias: crying -> tears

Posted under General

Crying is an action, tears are objects, so yeah an alias here seems very strange. Implication would work though.

Alignn said:
Implication would work though.

Not sure about that. You can tell if someone's crying from other things like facial expression and rubbing one's eyes, so having visible tears isn't really necessary.

Edit: Like post #597231 for example. She's obviously crying, but we can't really see the tears.


I also would likely support de-aliasing as well.

As a side note, there does exist a underused and undefined sobbing tag. I had added a few images to the tag, but I wasn't the one who made it.

The tears tag has bothered me forever, so I fully support this change.

Sobbing seems like a fairly useful way to separate ordinary crying from more intense and open weeping. It definitely needs a wiki, though, and a mention in the crying wiki, too.

I would say it's possible to cry without tearing up, and as well it's possible for someone to be obviously crying, but no tears be visible to the viewer (facing away, etc). Just tag both when you see both.

There are certainly other causes of tears than crying (allergic reaction, laughing, sore eye, etc).

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