
Rating vandalism

Posted under General

I've noticed that there's been some rating vandalism. For example, there were several pictures with the pussy tag and rating:s. For example, until a few minutes ago post #249474 was considered safe.

I've gone through those images and re-rated them, but I'm wondering if it might make sense to use technical means here. For example, perhaps the software could limit who is allowed to lower an explicit image's rating. Or perhaps certain tags could imply ratings.

Finally, it would probably be a good idea to log rating changes. A few weeks ago I was accused of mis-rating images, because of this rating vandalism. It would have been nice to have a more direct way of defending myself. (I've filed a bug on this in trac.)

Updated by jxh2154

This has been suggested and requested several times, but for some reason, albert is resistant to the idea of logging rating changes.

That can also be caused when someone tries to change the tags and only puts ones that are already there. It happens sometimes when two people simultaneously tag a post.


Dalamar said:
When a rating has been changed, it shows up in the tag history. But it can be hard to tell if the person added a tag.

http://danbooru.me/post_tag_history?post_id=249474 = clearly the result of you changing it to explicit for example

I'd put my money on homeless_homo uploaded it as safe on accident, or he changed it when he tagged it.

And you're bet is correct. I did upload that as safe and later changed it to explicit. But I fixed that right after I uploaded it. So it seems that it didn't log the change back to safe by whoever did it. (I'm not sure if the second edit by me was an accident or if it is actually there because I changed the rating.)


I think they're having problems at moe.imouto.org because of all the posts ratings being locked so I'd advice against user discrimination since rating is always subjective. Logging the rating changed should be enough.

I'm not certain if this is in the works (or extant already), but should not certain tags force a rating limitation? I don't believe it would be difficult to ensure that tags like sex, pussy, and penis would disable the ability to set it any higher than rating:q or rating:e. Okay, so it might take a bit more effort to defeat intentional trolls and their ilk, but even a naive guard should be enough to prevent accidents like what apparently happened here.

DschingisKhan said: I'm not certain if this is in the works (or extant already), but should not certain tags force a rating limitation?

Some already do, though they can be overridden. But that's a good thing. You can very well have safe 'nude' pictures, for example. Completely locking a rating in for certain tags just has too many potential problems.

jxh2154 said:
Some already do, though they can be overridden. But that's a good thing. You can very well have safe 'nude' pictures, for example. Completely locking a rating in for certain tags just has too many potential problems.

True, but I feel that it would be trivial to avoid that in the general scope; It's mostly a question of what method gives the best security for the system compared to the caveat of making certain rare things less accessible. That metadata is only useful when it is correct can go both ways, however. There will never be safe "sex" that shows genitalia, for example, and [rating:s nude] will be very rare (I count three valid results in a pool of more than 250,000 and thirteen more that were improperly tagged). At least from a UI designer's standpoint, this would seem to be the place to pull out the nag box. The thought is not to prevent outright, but to verify that yes, you are sure that this post with "penis" should merely be questionable and that the nudity portrayed in your "safe" picture is as with post #244479, not post #241563. To take it back to what I mentioned in the first place, accident prevention, not restriction. Vandalism aside, my personal feeling is that anything that improves accuracy at no expense to the human resource of mod/janitor time and only the overhead of a bit of code (even if only applied to the top n tags in the system) is always welcome.

DschingisKhan said: and [rating:s nude] will be very rare (I count three valid results in a pool of more than 250,000 and thirteen more that were improperly tagged).

There should be a heck of a lot more than that. I've uploaded some myself, and I'm actually pretty annoyed if someone went and retagged them.

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