
long vowel aliases

Posted under General

create alias yusei_kondo -> kondou_yuusei
create alias tomoru_shindo -> shindou_tomoru
create alias yoko_mitsurugi -> mitsurugi_youko
create alias masashi_rando -> randou_masashi

create alias danbo -> danboo
create alias tenkubashi_tomoka -> tenkuubashi_tomoka
create alias zettai_bōei_leviatan -> zettai_bouei_leviathan

(But was bōei actually in use?)

jxh2154 said:

(But was bōei actually in use?)

It was, but someone fixed the posts in question before you got to them. zettai_bouei_leviathan user:lolicon65 on the copyright, as well as the character names.

I figured it would be easier to throw in the alias and prevent future instances, rather than only fixing these and forgetting about it.