
Wiki Requests

Posted under General

Possible artist vandalism by @nagomin on tsukishiro_saika. The only thing the account is used for is to remove the reference noting the artist's formerly used name. I'm not sure if they're trying to be helpful and say that the artists are in fact two different people but there's a language barrier issue or what. - taken care of, thank you Squishy and RaisingK.



Should this tag be:
a) Characters who are canonically friends with one another (and if this, what happens if they fall out? Or become friends partway through after initially not being so? Both of these are VERY common after all)
b) Characters who are shown being friendly with one another
c) both a and b
d) nuked

skylightcrystal said:


Should this tag be:
a) Characters who are canonically friends with one another (and if this, what happens if they fall out? Or become friends partway through after initially not being so? Both of these are VERY common after all)
b) Characters who are shown being friendly with one another
c) both a and b
d) nuked

I like the potential for B as a way to tag/search for characters "hanging out" and/or being affectionate towards each other in a non-romantic, non-sexual way

melten said:

I think that the tag casual suit should be renamed to "casual wear"

We already have a casual tag, which is how this one has been used, for the most part.

Casual suit was created for post #3398166, so it was clearly intended as a tag for informal jacket/trousers combos. Unfortunately, it was thereafter adopted by users who don't seem to understand what a suit is. The tag should probably just be abolished, as the only post where it fits is already tagged suit in the first place and most users can't be expected to distinguish outfits according to different levels of formality.