
Mass update: (object) on_water -> afloat

Posted under Tags

Putting "afloat" before a noun is a really awkward construction that doesn't match the way this word is normally used in conversation. I think we should try to base tags on natural English usage whenever possible to ensure that their meanings are clear. Consistency among tags is desirable but it should take a backseat to clarity.

These two tags are fine as they are. If anything, afloat_lantern is the one that should be changed.

Agreed that this is a more awkward name. Afloat is also typically used for people, not objects. Calling these afloat suggests they should be tagged afloat, which I don't think is how the afloat tag was intended to be used.

evazion said:

Afloat is also typically used for people, not objects. Calling these afloat suggests they should be tagged afloat, which I don't think is how the afloat tag was intended to be used.

I used to think the same of floating but then topic #13848 happened and in spite of my objection, floating_object now implicates floating. So now we seem to have this weird rule that afloat applies only to characters but floating applies to everything, and I don't fully understand why that should be the case.

yelite said:

Since we have floating_object tag for floating, I thought it's the same for afloat too.

Unfortunately afloat_object doesn't really flow together nicely. Afloat is a bit of an odd duck in that it is a postpositive adjective and can only be used after the noun it modifies. There are quite a few words like this which begin with the archaic prefix "a-": ablaze, aboard, abreast, abroad, afar, afoot, aglow, ajar, alive, aloft, alone, aloud, amiss, anew, apart, aplenty, ashore, asleep, and so on. The English language is a colorful disaster.

*edited for clarity


Lanterns floating [on water] is such a common feature that the intuitive descriptor floating lantern should be supported. To that end, I think the definitions of the floating tag and floating_foo (floating_hair, floating_object, etc.) tags should be changed to mean "floating on water" implicitly, without further clarification. Instances of something floating in/on anything else, liquid or no, should be tagged as floating_in/on_foo (floating_on_lava, floating_in_air etc).

If bouyancy isn't involved, don't use floating at all. Use something else like hovering, levitating, or zero-gee.

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