
More artist aliases

Posted under General

Toks said:

Where did this eric_tang come from?

His display name on pixiv is kerasu and on deviantart is ricegnat so I'd expect most people to know him by one of those names instead of eric_tang, unless I'm missing something.

It's already aliased, so AFAIK he had that displayed somewhere previously.


alias neeta -> cea_shiro

Kikimaru said:

It's already aliased, so AFAIK he had that displayed somewhere previously.

But why do you want the aliases to point to eric_tang when it's not his current display name?

Toks said:

But why do you want the aliases to point to eric_tang when it's not his current display name?

Because he has 2 nicknames (kerasu & ricegnat), so I thought it would clean it up.

Plus we do (did?) have a policy in place to point to artist real names instead of nicknames.

Kikimaru said:

Because he has 2 nicknames (kerasu & ricegnat), so I thought it would clean it up.

That's already done though. ricegnat is aliased to kerasu. And eric_tang is also aliased to kerasu. Nothing more is necessary.

Kikimaru said:

Plus we do (did?) have a policy in place to point to artist real names instead of nicknames.

We just had this discussion in topic #8245 and came to the conclusion that said policy does not exist. What's more, you yourself were the one who initially suggested in that topic that artist real names should not be preferred for no reason. Why has your opinion suddenly done a completely 180?

Toks said:

That's already done though. ricegnat is aliased to kerasu. And eric_tang is also aliased to kerasu. Nothing more is necessary.

We just had this discussion in topic #8245 and came to the conclusion that said policy does not exist. What's more, you yourself were the one who initially suggested in that topic that artist real names should not be preferred for no reason. Why has your opinion suddenly done a completely 180?

I didn't get a definitive answer.

Kikimaru said:

14ga -> haribote_(tarao)

I don't think those two are the same artist. They have separate accounts on both Pixiv and Seiga and they don't seem to say that they are the same person. It looks like an error in 14ga's artist entry (which I fixed) was causing people to erroneously add 14ga's tag for other artists from Seiga. Alias should not be done.