
Translation request thread

Posted under General

ProbeDrone said:
post #771114
There is text on the sides and on a swimsuit

Anelaid said:
3.) When requesting, try to avoid to post works here that have yet to be approved or are relatively new, such as a week or two old, since it is likely that it was already seen by a translator and may be worked on later.

post #754980

I wasn't going to request for this pool to be translated originally but it seems someone took a shot at it and gave up on just the last image, so here it is.

Arrei said:
post #754980

I wasn't going to request for this pool to be translated originally but it seems someone took a shot at it and gave up on just the last image, so here it is.

Every post in that pool is in a varied state of translation actually. Some of them are untouched and some fully translated.

Perhaps I worded it a little poorly, I meant they gave up just before reaching the last image in the pool. So I threw it up here.

Seems I didn't notice the second page wasn't translated either, though.