
Collection: Twitter - If You Draw Hearts in Pupils This Will Become a NSFW Image

Artworks/meme directly related to this twitter hashtag: #瞳にハートを描きこむと成人向けの絵になる

Note: Other heart-shaped_pupils images should not be in this pool.


Fukai Ryousuke's tweet (now deleted)":

I added hearts in cute girl's pupils in my art and received a correction request: "You're better off without that because it represents NSFW art." BUT ISN'T THAT PREJUDICE!?

Str's tweet (1:55 p.m. - 25 Sep 2015 [JST])


It's time to create a Twitter hashtag, isn't it? #If-You-Draw-Hearts-in-the Pupils-This-Will-Become-a-NSFW-Image

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