
Series: Various Notes About the Beefolk (Jon Henry Nam)

Source: http://www.pixiv.net/member_illust.php?mode=medium&illust_id=18549600

Original title: ハチの人たちあれこれ

Original description: プチィラ族たちのことで新しく思いついたものとかとつらつらと…これを描いていたので前回はハチだけ無かったのでしたのだ。あと、女王様は紙に入らなかったのでちょっと屈んでもらっています。普段はもうちょっと脚伸ばしてます。

Translated description: Some new information about the Puchiira race, including stuff I just thought of and things I wanted to expand on... Mostly because last time there were no bees, so I drew some. Also, the Queen wouldn't fit on the canvas normally, so she's leaning forward a bit. Normally her legs are extended a bit more.

Related: post #292281, post #430903

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