
[REJECTED] Tag implication: skirt_around_ankles -> skirt_pull

Posted under Tags

create implication skirt_around_ankles -> skirt_pull

Link to implication

As per what was suggested in topic #15432 before deciding to clean out and retire the tag skirt down myself.

One user preferred that the tag skirt down be used for when skirts are pulled around the ankles but pointed out that for a very long time, the skirt down tag had no wiki for proper usage, causing it to be used interchangeably with a more used tag (pointed out by forum #148961). The name of the tag itself did not help either. Because of that, it would make sense to change the "proper" skirt_down to skirt around ankles (forum #149021).

EDIT: This tag implication is pending automatic rejection in 5 days.

EDIT: This tag implication has been rejected because it was not approved within 60 days.

EDIT: The tag implication skirt_around_ankles -> skirt_pull (forum #150255) has been rejected by @DanbooruBot.

Updated by DanbooruBot

Hmm, a long time ago, the *_down tags were for things that were obviously already pulled off / down and the *_pull tags were for things that were either in the process of being pulled off or a bit out of place downward from where they should be worn (shirt fronts, bras, pants, etc) and were presumably pulled down in the immediate past.

I agree that skirt_around_ankles is more or less the right feel for what the tag skirt_down originally was meant to mean (if not a bit more extreme considering the "moved down to their thighs or lower." from pants_down's wiki, which is analogous (also pointed out in topic #5919). It's also much more explicitly defined, which is probably a good thing. I don't think there should be an implication though, since the two ideas are sort of independent. By analogy again pants_down doesn't imply pants_pull. Given the pants are already at or near the floor, there is no potential or immediately recent pulling going on in the picture.

If we we want to clean up skirt_down by sorting it into skirt_around_ankles and skirt_pull, I'd have said someone should give the skirt_down at least a quick scan and move the most obvious examples to skirt_around_ankles, and then bulk-edit the remainder into skirt_pull. Though looking at the tag, it looks like someone might have already done the latter though, since skirt_down is currently empty. EDIT: sorry inkuJerr, I skimmed over where you mentioned doing this above. In that case, I guess someone could do a somewhat longer scan through skirt_pull now and move things to skirt_around_ankles where it belongs. In any case I think bulk (or tag-gardening-style) moves are what we need, not aliases or implications.

If we're doing this with the skirt tags, it might make sense to do something similar to pants_down and shorts_down too for consistency. Since pants_down seems to incorporate everything from *_around_ankles to *_around_knees (technically currently even higher), should we consider including adding *_around_knees tags too? A skirt halfway down the leg is probably too far for skirt_pull and not far enough to really be skirt_around_ankles after all. We could then say between fully worn and knees is the formal definition for where skirt_pull (or pants_pull) go?

Any thoughts?



Initially at the time (for a very long time), I thought the skirt down tag was used erroneously to refer to a skirt being pulled down the leg (which skirt pull already does). I also thought skirt pull simply refers to a skirt that is down the legs in general, prior to reading what you said.

Maybe cleaning out a tag immediately was probably not the smartest thing for me to do. Sorry.

Shinjidude said:

In any case I think bulk (or tag-gardening-style) moves are what we need, not aliases or implications.


A skirt halfway down the leg is probably too far for skirt_pull and not far enough to really be skirt_around_ankles after all. We could then say between fully worn and knees is the formal definition for where skirt_pull (or pants_pull) go?

I agree. Thinking hard about it, skirt around ankles sounds way to specific and skirt down seems like a more broad alternative. I guess the skirt down tag should be brought back, only this time with a wiki for proper usage. I think skirt/pants_pull should refer to when the skirt/pants are below where it's properly worn and around the thighs while skirt/pants_down is when they're at/below the knees to the ankles (well, that's my opinion at least).

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