
Upload Feedback Thread - post here if your uploads keep getting deleted

Posted under General

I hope these are reconsidered. I'll try to summarize my reasoning in a line, sorry if it's annoying. Some have only been reviewed by only 7 approvers :(

post #3844136 (English comic with good quality)
post #3773770 (same theme with over 60 approved posts, artist almost always approved but I think these were missed)
post #3765919 (same above)
post #3728572 (same above)
post #3850461 (Same artist: Nude, but not overly sexualized)
post #3834117 (Same artist: A meme in the Fate community with good quality)
post #3781951 (Parent was approved, great quality)
post #3729700 (all posts from this artist were approved except this one)
post #3729708 (really good quality)
post #3847532 (low resolution but I really couldn't find a higher quality one, it's a rare and a cute interaction)

I would appreciate feedback. Thank you.


th07_06 said:

post #3862738

I guess it´s not special enough so it wasn´t seen by any approver who liked it. Don´t see anything wrong with it, but also nothing really special I guess.

Metsubou said:

post #3866981

Kinda cheap quality and nothing special here. It´s okay, but I don´t think that it´s really worth approving, even though maybe some approver will like it.

retrospectrum said:

requesting approval please.
why are these unapproved anyway? even butcha-u's art aren't safe anymore?
post #2908551
post #3423384

With over hundreds of deleted images by butcha-u's art, I wouldn´t say that those images were a safe approval here.
But both are, IMO, way to generic sexual, that I wouldn´t say that they are really that special. First one is kinda okay, but her anus lookes kinda wrong to me. Second one is the same problem with alot of those kind of images, depicting way to much cum kinda everywhere. I would say that most approvers don´t like that kind of stuff, but a few would maybe approve it. I wouldn´t tend to it.

Guaro1238 said:

First one is kinda okay, but her anus lookes kinda wrong to me. I

it's called anal prolapse

Second one is the same problem with alot of those kind of images, depicting way to much cum kinda everywhere.

it's called bukkake. you guys approved 8.4k of them

you guys sure you know your stuffs here?

retrospectrum said:

it's called anal prolapse

Doesn´t mean that approvers like it. Alot of overly sexual images tend to be ignored, because most of the time, IMO, they just don´t look very good.

it's called bukkake. you guys approved 8.4k of them

That´s just wrong. Only 2167 images were approved that got bukkake with it, while the rest was uploaded by unrestricted users.
Also, it doesn´t mean that you shouldn´t upload stuff like that, as long as it´s not trash. But I think that there is a higher chance that images like that get deleted, because not everybody like bukkake, if the image is kinda like full of cum. It even got a unnecessary multiple views with it.

yurishill said:

post #3869736
post #3875626

dont see why these were deleted

the first one is pretty sketchy, but I think it´s fine
the second one seems to have a bad anatomy I guess. Both their bodies are kinda short and this mark in their face seems to make them 'older', because it looks like wrinkles.

Guaro1238 said:

Doesn´t mean that approvers like it. Alot of overly sexual images tend to be ignored, because most of the time, IMO, they just don´t look very good.

That´s just wrong. Only 2167 images were approved that got bukkake with it, while the rest was uploaded by unrestricted users.
Also, it doesn´t mean that you shouldn´t upload stuff like that, as long as it´s not trash. But I think that there is a higher chance that images like that get deleted, because not everybody like bukkake, if the image is kinda like full of cum. It even got a unnecessary multiple views with it.

the first one is pretty sketchy, but I think it´s fine
the second one seems to have a bad anatomy I guess. Both their bodies are kinda short and this mark in their face seems to make them 'older', because it looks like wrinkles.

and thats enough to not get approved?

yurishill said:

and thats enough to not get approved?

If nobody likes them they won't get approved. They're both pretty mediocre imo. Also sourceless posts have a much lower chance at getting approved.

yurishill said:

and thats enough to not get approved?

Sketchiness got a high count of deletions, because most of the time those images look like cheap quality. Often they´re not that special or got nothing special about it. I would tend to not upload them, if you´re not an unrestricted uploader. If you still think it´s worth it, you could appeal it in the "deletions appeal thread" or with the appeal function.

For the second one, bad anatomy is one pretty good reason to not approve it. It´s even a flaggable reason.

Guaro1238 said:

Sketchiness got a high count of deletions, because most of the time those images look like cheap quality. Often they´re not that special or got nothing special about it. I would tend to not upload them, if you´re not an unrestricted uploader. If you still think it´s worth it, you could appeal it in the "deletions appeal thread" or with the appeal function.

For the second one, bad anatomy is one pretty good reason to not approve it. It´s even a flaggable reason.

didnt know there was such a strict quality control

Guaro1238 said:

Kinda cheap quality and nothing special here. It´s okay, but I don´t think that it´s really worth approving, even though maybe some approver will like it.

Thank you. Although the post has been appealed by someone nonetheless.

PhoenixG said:

God the artifacts are horrible. It's like a small pic that got enlarged

I couldn’t find any better quality unfortunately.
But yes now that I get a better look you’re right. It can’t be helped.

Is there a problem with the other two above that didn’t get approved?