
Pics only saving as bitmaps

Posted under General

nanami said:
...or copy it to an image viewer/editor (such as Irfanview, Paint, or Photoshop) and save the image as is.

This was my solution so far, too. But it´s time consuming and saving in Paint sometimes gave me lower picture quality (specially when saving as .jpg).

Gonna try Firefox (just out of curiosity =3), thanks!

Unless I 've missed something, not one of the people that are going on and on about which browser is better seems to be reading the posts stating that the problem occurs with these other browsers as well. Is nobody reading the posts that state the problem only occurs here either? Yet still it's IE that's the problem? And to reply to 葉月's request for a post that this occurs with, here: http://danbooru.me/post/show/404876/agito-bat_wings-belt-boots-fire-gloves-kagura_sous . The problem occurs with every image on Danbooru for me though.

雲雀 said:
Unless I 've missed something, not one of the people that are going on and on about which browser is better seems to be reading the posts stating that the problem occurs with these other browsers as well.

I saw one post that said that. Others have already tried with different browsers, including IE, and received the results that IE didn't work and everything else did. If you have tried multiple browsers and none work, maybe it's a problem with your network or computer.

Is nobody reading the posts that state the problem only occurs here either? Yet still it's IE that's the problem?

It's IE's problem with Danbooru. For example, an umbrella made out of paper will be fine in the sun, but as soon as it starts raining it will break. You would not say that it's the rain's fault, you would say that paper is a bad construction material for umbrellas.

Unless I've missed something, I tested every browser I could think of and couldn't reproduce the issue in any of them except IE. I already mentioned it wasn't happening on other sites, but that could easily be explained by the fact that many sites don't even bother trying to force IE compatibility, but some will. Please don't tell me the issue is not IE related.

When trying to save images in IE8 it defaults to .bmp, but if I manually change the file extension to .jpg it successfully saves as .jpg (for the record, I use Firefox 3.5).

hytone said:
...I noticed that using "Save target as" on the Size link saves it as a .jpg, but "Save picture as" always gives me a .bmp. ...

For anyone using IE, this is your easiest fix unless albert fixes it server-side.

There's nothing for him to fix... The server sends IE a picture, IE goes 'durrrrrr' and displays it, and then can't save it again.

He'd have to make an applet to download files correctly in ie.

雲雀 said:
Unless I 've missed something, not one of the people that are going on and on about which browser is better seems to be reading the posts stating that the problem occurs with these other browsers as well. Is nobody reading the posts that state the problem only occurs here either? Yet still it's IE that's the problem?

Umm, I did? Just claiming it happens without actually giving us anything to work with is useless. You will be ignored if you do it.

And to reply to 葉月's request for a post that this occurs with, here: http://danbooru.me/post/show/404876/agito-bat_wings-belt-boots-fire-gloves-kagura_sous . The problem occurs with every image on Danbooru for me though.

...so you did see it after all, yet made all of the above claims.

First of all, it's "post #404876". Don't use the full URLs, use the symbolic notation. And second, it works just fine here, so whatever the problem, it's on your end. Aren't you using some stupid extension like IETab?

nanami said:
...or copy it to an image viewer/editor (such as Irfanview, Paint, or Photoshop) and save the image as is. But the image to be saved using such a viewer, depending on the settings on the format to be saved, might not have the same file size as the image generated here.

NO, DON'T. In addition to the bizarre complexity you inflict upon yourself just to work around your retarded, broken browser, you're creating dupes that won't be caught by danbooru because the files won't be identical (the size here has very little to do with anything). If I see you doing that, you'll be smacked with a stick until you see your error.

葉月 said: NO, DON'T. In addition to the bizarre complexity you inflict upon yourself just to work around your retarded, broken browser, you're creating dupes that won't be caught by danbooru because the files won't be identical (the size here has very little to do with anything). If I see you doing that, you'll be smacked with a stick until you see your error.

If he's just doing it to save to his own HDD and not to reupload it here, I don't really care what he does with his own computer.

To: 葉月 Sorry my post was not clear in that it wasn't actually directed at "everybody". I'm sorry format the post reference correctly. I realize I don't know enough about post formatting though, but since I rarely post, it didn't even cross my mind.

I'm not some IE fanatic either, it's just what I'm used to after some horrid experiences with Chrome. Last night I ended up downloading Firefox so I wasn't using IETab when I posted. While FF definitely seems better, this was an unpleasant way to find that out.

In closing, I do love all you guys, and I'll just be going back under the bridge where I should have stayed.

jxh2154 said:
If he's just doing it to save to his own HDD and not to reupload it here, I don't really care what he does with his own computer.

You're just too innocent and trusting in people's ability for your own good. This is the internet.

雲雀 said:
In closing, I do love all you guys, and I'll just be going back under the bridge where I should have stayed.

Nah, we love you too. It might be a little harsh, but it's for your own good.

numeros said:
the same is happening to me whyyyyyyyyy!lol

I'm working hard not to give you a negative for that, son. Read howto:comment before somebody gets hurt.

Okay, after 9000 hours in Google I think I've tracked down the cause. Basically, the way IE works is that when you try to save an image it first looks in its cache for the file, and if it's not there then IE falls back on saving it as a bitmap. Now, there are two reasons why an image may not be in the browser's cache:

  • Something is fucked up with the cache client-side. This is a common problem in Windows, and there are many pages on Google describing how to fix it.
  • The HTTP headers in the server's response prevent the browser from caching the image.

As it turns out, IE has a long-standing issue wherein it is unable to cache responses that contain a 'Vary' header. This header is sent by Danbooru's server. Removing it should hopefully fix this problem.

This could also be what's contributing to Danbooru's recent slowness. Since IE isn't caching images, every time an IE user views an image it will be redownloaded, thereby increasing server load.

evazion said:
As it turns out, IE has a long-standing issue wherein it is unable to cache responses that contain a 'Vary' header. This header is sent by Danbooru's server. Removing it should hopefully fix this problem.

Yeah, it's a problem with the Vary header. Albert switched the webserver to nginx recently (to help fix the slowness) and there's a bug in the gzip compression causing it to send the header when it shouldn't. I managed to reproduce it on my test server. It's an easy fix though.

I just emailed Albert about it a few minutes ago.


I may use IE but never had this problem until recently so there is a good chance that evazion is right. Atleast we know the cause now.

Interesting. So the problem IS server side. Gee, who would have possibly thought that. Anywho, I'm happy the problem was found, as I'm sure others are. Nice detective work evazion.