
Artist tagging help

Posted under General

Krugger said:



Next time you can create an artist upon uploading first, then ask here if you really want to know their name. That way if nobody know the answer, we can still secure that his/her URL is already in the database, and the next person can search for them using the same artist tag you used.

-For pixiv only- The trick is right-click on any image of that artist (even thumbnail or avatar) > View Image > you'll see their username in the URL > now upload the pic with the tag 'artist:xxxx', the system will recognize xxxx as an artist.

After uploading and have a new artist tag, you can click on the '?', paste his/her main pixiv link in the URL field - which already has the URL of the first image you just posted.

When we know the name for sure, changing is easy =).

If xxxx is a string of number, then you definitely should ask here.


rantuyetmai said:


Next time you can create an artist upon uploading first, then ask here if you really want to know their name. That way if nobody know the answer, we can still secure that his/her URL is already in the database, and the next person can search for them using the same artist tag you used.

-For pixiv only- The trick is right-click on any image of that artist (even thumbnail or avatar) > View Image > you'll see their username in the URL > now upload the pic with the tag 'artist:xxxx', the system will recognize xxxx as an artist.

After uploading and have a new artist tag, you can click on the '?', paste his/her main pixiv link in the URL field - which already has the URL of the first image you just posted.

When we know the name for sure, changing is easy =).

If xxxx is a string of number, then you definitely should ask here.

Thank you I shall do that from now on

Okay, so I recently uploaded post #791063 by this Pixiv artist, who chooses to identify herself simply with the letter R. I don't know if that's a temporary placeholder or something since she's only got one image uploaded, but another artist on Danbu already has that nametag. I'm not sure where he got it, though, because it doesn't feature anywhere on his Pixiv page.

So, I'm not sure what to do about this. Ideally, I'd like to re-tag the second artist with a more appropriate name tag and reserve R for the artist who actually calls herself that. Mabye "るもい," whatever that Romanizes to, which is what he calls himself on his blog.

Danzaiver said:
Okay, so I recently uploaded post #791063 by this Pixiv artist, who chooses to identify herself simply with the letter R. I don't know if that's a temporary placeholder or something since she's only got one image uploaded, but another artist on Danbu already has that nametag. I'm not sure where he got it, though, because it doesn't feature anywhere on his Pixiv page.

So, I'm not sure what to do about this. Ideally, I'd like to re-tag the second artist with a more appropriate name tag and reserve R for the artist who actually calls herself that. Mabye "るもい," whatever that Romanizes to, which is what he calls himself on his blog.

Use rumoi, the name on her blog and twitter.

HNTI said: Nick : 新米
Pixiv : http://www.pixiv.net/member.php?id=2578253[/quote]
Well... in Japanese, definitely shinmai, but the account name is xinmi and the artist says they're from China so yeah... I'm hesitant to go unqualified on what is likely as ambiguous a name in chinese as it would be in Japanese, but there's no good qualifier. Short of using the Japanese for it... eh it's arbitrary, but go with xinmi_(shinmai). At least that covers both bases.

Nick : 優実†要 Pixiv : http://www.pixiv.net/member.php?id=1307915[/quote]
Multiple readings, but considering the pixiv name is yuumyxkaname, it's got to be yuumi_kaname.