
Danbooru 2 upgrade on Feb 16, 2013

Posted under General

How exactly does the keyboard feature work? It doesn't seem to function properly. For example: I press the left arrow, but it takes me to the picture that you're supposed to see if you press the right arrow, meaning it goes forward instead of backward. And what exactly does the space bar do anyway?

Thanks in advance!

Has anyone experienced a problem with their favorites suddenly not synching between /favorites and /posts?tags=fav:ownuserid?

The space bar does exactly the same of what the right arrow key does (or at least, is supposed to do).

For those that cannot wait, http://danbooru.me/forum_topics/9023 now includes settings to disable hotkeys (per-key setting - disabled by default), and a option (enabled by default) to move the pool navigation to above the image.

I fully agree with S1eth, Sal.N and Apollyon, that "current search" bar below the image is fairly useless to me as well.

Rather and instead of that bar, I would like to see a return of current tag/search indication near the "Danbooru" logo at the top, like it was in old version of the site.

DschingisKhan said:

EDIT: I'm kind of wondering if we shouldn't break out the UI design discussion into its own thread.

Sounds like a good idea; for discussion purposes at least

Just stopping by to confirm that Danbooru Downloader was working again when I checked in this morning. I changed the target URL from post/view/ to posts/ a few days ago, but it didn't work until today.

Thanks! It's sure to get a lot more mileage with the new favorites cap in place.

I have to disagree. Tag search slideshow was one of the things I like the most in old "misc tweaks" script. Maybe it needs toggling/ "off" by default, but personally, I'm completely fine as is.

Yesterday subscriptions updated, but today they're not. I'm guessing that the problem is not likely due to the update, but I can't be sure, so I'm mentioning it here.

since most wiki entries seemed to have been nuked along with the update, i think we need a priority on which items need to be rebuilt/recovered, like the basic help page.

So we don't have top pool indicator anymore just a kinda pointless pool locator at the bottom? Can't we just put it back at the top like before?

z905844 said:

since most wiki entries seemed to have been nuked along with the update, i think we need a priority on which items need to be rebuilt/recovered, like the basic help page.

This issue has gone unfixed for 11 days already, so I agree that we should do something about it.

Here are the help pages that are missing, with a corresponding archive of what they were on Danbooru 1:

I'll start by copying the old text into those pages. We can modify those as necessary.

Toks said:
I'll start by copying the old text into those pages. We can modify those as necessary.

Some of the archived pages can be outdated. At least old help:users is outdated for sure.

MyrMindservant said:

Some of the archived pages can be outdated. At least old help:users is outdated for sure.

Very true. I'll avoid help:users for now. The other ones are more or less accurate, but will need a few changes.

So is there some way of using code blocks in DText like the old help pages did?
help:dtext isn't possible to write without them.

I just encountered something strange: When uploading a picture, I hit "Related Tags" and "wiki: koiwai yotsuba" came up. There were no tags in the tag field when this happened.

Zelinkokitsune said:

So we don't have top pool indicator anymore just a kinda pointless pool locator at the bottom? Can't we just put it back at the top like before?

If the pools are meant to stay down there, you can use one of the various user scripts, such as mine from forum topic #9041, to put them back at the top for you.

Actually, can anyone tell me the new DText for linking forum threads? Had to use a normal link up there.


Toks said:

So is there some way of using code blocks in DText like the old help pages did?
help:dtext isn't possible to write without them.

I don't know about code blocks, but this might work:

[b]strong text[/b]
Makes text bold

h1. An important header

* Item 1
** Item 1a

souryuu9 said:

I don't know about code blocks, but this might work:

[b]strong text[/b]
Makes text bold

h1. An important header

* Item 1
** Item 1a

That's very clever, thank you. I improved it a bit and made it simpler:

strong text[/b]
Makes text bold h1. An important header* Item 1
** Item 1a

Absolutely love having the pool navigation larger and at the bottom. I've always thought it made more sense there then up top anyways. That's the kind of thing that makes me excited about D2.0

Don't really have an opinion on the keyboard navigation. Probably just about never use them myself. Might change my mind once the bugs get worked out and I have a chance to get toy with using it.

kittey said:

If the pools are meant to stay down there, you can use one of the various user scripts, such as mine from forum topic #9041, to put them back at the top for you.

Actually, can anyone tell me the new DText for linking forum threads? Had to use a normal link up there.

See I don't use Greese Monkey or any other script. I really don't think we should have to install external scripts to make things usable.

Also the more Danbooru 2 looks more like the original things work actually better as guess what the old one wasn't broken and doesn't need to be fixed.