
Post Ban Request Thread

Posted under General

Post requests to ban posts from banned artists here. Don't flag them anymore.

Although posts with banned artists are automatically tagged, the banned status has to be manually applied.

Updated by Saladofstones

richie said:

Why? What do you mean by 'post ban'?

If someone uploads a post from a banned artist (an artist who has requested their work not be posted on this site), that post should be banned. In the past (like a year+ ago) they were deleted instead, but deleting and banning are separate now, so you shouldn't flag posts because they are from banned artists anymore. Post them here instead.

Schrobby said:

I thought all works from banned artists are marked automatically via the tag "banned_artist".

The banned_artist tag gets added automatically, but the post doesn't get hidden just because it has the banned_artist tag. I assume this is to prevent people who either don't know what they're doing or are vandals from adding the banned_artist tag to posts that aren't actually from banned artists and causing those posts to be hidden erroneously.

Instead a Janitor+ user has to ban the post manually for it to be hidden.

Toks said:

Also: note that it's possible to search for posts that have the banned_artist tag but have not been manually banned by searching for banned_artist -status:banned.

So basically this thread is for posting those results of that query which aren't false positives somehow?

Do we also report posts that should be banned but are merely deleted (34 of the 39 results)?

Wouldn't it be easier to just prevent people from adding the banned_artist tag manually, and automate this whole process?

piespy said:

Do we also report posts that should be banned but are merely deleted (34 of the 39 results)?


piespy said:

Wouldn't it be easier to just prevent people from adding the banned_artist tag manually, and automate this whole process?

But people would still be able to add artist tags of banned artists, which in turn would add the banned_artist tag because of the implication. Making it impossible to add the banned_artist tag directly wouldn't change anything since I don't think people do that anyway, do they?

Toks said:

Making it impossible to add the banned_artist tag directly wouldn't change anything since I don't think people do that anyway, do they?

Toks said:

The banned_artist tag gets added automatically, but the post doesn't get hidden just because it has the banned_artist tag. I assume this is to prevent people who either don't know what they're doing or are vandals from adding the banned_artist tag to posts that aren't actually from banned artists and causing those posts to be hidden erroneously.

Either people add the banned_artist tag directly/manually or they don't really. Whichever, I assume piespy's suggestion is merely that people not be able to add the tag manually, that it only be added via mod created implications to legitimately banned artists, thus able to be automated.

Saduharta said:

Either people add the banned_artist tag directly/manually or they don't really. Whichever, I assume piespy's suggestion is merely that people not be able to add the tag manually, that it only be added via mod created implications to legitimately banned artists, thus able to be automated.

There's a difference between adding the banned_artist tag itself, and adding an artist tag which implicates banned_artist. I don't think people do the former.

Having the auto ban script check the image source might help preventing false positives/vandalism.

I uploaded post #1674119 a few days ago before noticing it was from a banned artist, so I flagged it and appended banned_artist.

It got banned after a while, but it's still flagged.