
How do I tag this?

Posted under Tags

post #2684992: Covering breasts / crotch with leg. covering breasts says with hands/arms specifically, and the parent tag covering says "due to embarrassment or shyness", which doesn't appear to be the case here, though I'm not sure that's really important to the tag. And convenient censoring definitely doesn't fit because this is intentional. I'm leaning toward just using covering breasts / crotch anyway, but thought I should check if there's a more appropriate tag first.

Side note: is there a difference between covering breasts and covering chest? Or is that a duplicate tag?

natartnat said:

Thank for your answer @Gollgagh and @iridescent slime

now, i would like to know what is no_scarf tag?

ps. i'm not sure that i asking the right place or not.

That tag is used only for characters that is canonically known to always wear a scarf (i.e. sakura_saber). If the said character in certain pic doesn't wear one, then this tag is applied to that pic.