
Tag Alias: Angel beats spoilers

Posted under General

I still disagree with that: Louise's name isn't revealed until the 3rd book but we use it regardless. Kiriche's isn't revealed until that point if not even later. Same goes for a ton of other characters that nobody's bitched about until this one specific instance.

When was Louise's name revealed in the anime though? The anime and light novels aren't necessarily the same, and in terms of weight for making judgments the anime versions should tend to take priority. This is mostly because they tend trigger most of the fanart for series and influence how characters are depicted.

I don't recall it ever being used in the anime but if it was I imagine it was in season 3.

I can't really see a reason to handle Hinata's or Yuri's full name differently from Otonashi's, which we did not change.

I don't see why any of these names are considered spoilers. None of them have any significant effect on the plot as far as I can tell.

Otonashi's first name is only a spoiler insofar as it shows that he does have one, and at some point he remembers it.

I don't think it's much of a spoiler if you don't even realize it is one until afterwards. Otonashi has a little plot impact, but the others always had names and just didn't bother mentioning them.

Yeah, I was looking at MAL, and the way they order names on the character/seiyuu page is so damn confusing...


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